Thursday, September 3, 2009

Weight: 213.4

After spending 3 days on a "mini-vacation", I didn't do much damage, and we did do a bunch of physical activity. Thank goodness for the hotel pool. I just love to swim, and it's a pleasure to be able to do so. Of course, I don't have a bathing suit, and I'm not sure why. I haven't had one since before I had Sam, so almost 7 years! Wow, I think it's time to get one, no matter what size it is. It really stinks to have to wear a tshirt and shorts into the pool, complete with bra and panties. I guess my size has varied so much since before my pregnancies, that I just never got around to getting one.

We're spending our last weekend of summer in as much relaxation as possible, since the mayham will begin next week. I'm hoping to get more exercise in now that Grace is in school full day 3 days a week. I did have a lot more to say, but I can't remember what they are. I kept thinking of things this week to write about, but one of those things should have been some post its.

Oh well, I'll post them as I remember them.

Keep on truckin...

BTW - I've made a chart for myself to track my weight daily. I have a theory about that, I'll discuss in another post. But it's very satisfying to see progress in chart form! It's a paper chart, not one on the computer, I like seeing it in front of me, seems more "real".

Note to self: Post about fiber.

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