Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Current weight: 209.7

Things have amped up now that both kids have started school. There are always lots of meetings, greeting meetings, teas, and of course, the endless list of school supplies that are still pending. Where do I find contact paper??? So I intend to exercise every day that Grace is in school, at least. With those days, and 1 day of the weekend, I should be good to go. But I'm going to relax about it, not stress about it. As Renee says, let go. The letting go has more positive energy to it than obsessing about what I should be doing or what I shouldn't be doing.

I've been busy, so been forgetting some of the things to do in regards to hunger and re-do's. I'm going over my notes tomorrow to refresh my memory.

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