Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Virtual Weightloss

Weight: 214.3

So I remembered again. It's been a long time, so I made a new model, and guess what? They've added a new feature, to create a before and after model for weight loss. I actually did this before the feature was added, I just created 2 different models, current weight and goal weight. Well, I guess enough people did this, so they decided to add it. You can even add your face to make it look more like you.

So I'm at 214.3 now. I'm following the podcast of Inside Out weight loss, and it's a very good one. It's logical, and get's down to the nuts and bolts of my behavior and tells me very clearly how to create better behavior. It's very straightforward, and doesn't leave anything unclear or subjective.

It's really working for me, especially when it comes to noticing my hunger. I've realized how I eat a good bit more after I've satisfied my hunger. And I am learning how to be calm and relax when it comes to my appetite. I usually get a feeling of panic when I get hungry, which it probably why I didn't let myself get that hungry. I am becoming aware of this panic feeling, and I'm learning to relax when I do feel it. It's just a feeling. I am not at the point of starvation, far from it!

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