Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I can't stop this feeling anymore!

Current Weight: 211.4

I'm becoming more accustomed to recognizing my hunger, and I guess by doing it over and over, I'm creating a habit. I do find, though, that later in the day (which are more hectic for me), is harder to be in tune with my hunger, and I'm reacting more to the growing stress. It doesn't have to be a high level of stress, just a tenseness because of the amount of stuff to get done. I have to become calmer during that time.

I have come up with things to do to de-stress, quick, little things.
-Listen to poscasts
-Watch a "grown-up" show
-Take a deep breath, count to 10
-Maybe dance to one of the kids' songs

These are things that I have to do in the house, I can't go for a walk, or go swimming or something. I do find I eat more during this time of about 3-5. Then I end up being full for dinner.

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