Thursday, April 8, 2010

Examples of naturally healthy eating, BE PREPARED

Natural, Calm, Relaxed Discipline!

I'm quickly learning that in order for being slim to be a permanent part of life, it has to be part of your way of thinking. Not an obsession, but a mindset. An acceptance that what is available to us is not, most of the time, what we should consume.

Health and true weight loss and permanent slimness depends on calm assurance of what we know is true: low fat, whole grain, smaller portions, fruits and vegetables, water, exercise. There can be a slight detour to partake of celebration, then a return to healthful eating to maintain health. But that detour has to be controlled and calm with awareness ad consciousness so as not to go overboard. I am aware that I can go overboard if I decide I don't want to enter that realm of health eating.

I can actually see that it's 2 different types of mindset that I waffle between, no accounting for what I eat, no thought as to healthy type of food or portions and very seldom exercise. And usually no motivation accompanies this mindset to be better than the very worst. It's like all or nothing. This is the all side.

The other mindset is the healthy side, the nothing side. But it can't be nothing, because it calls to mind punishment, deprivation, lack of fun, like I don't deserve to eat anything that I like. Did I say PUNISHMENT??

No, healthful eating is NOT punishment! There is not an elite group of lucky people out there who are allowed to eat whatever junk they want in huge portions and can still maintain their health. NO-ONE! The human body is not made that way, it's purely scientific. Our bodies cannot maintain health by eating wrong and not moving. We are capable of so much more than what we expect from ourselves.

Today's Smoothie

Current Weight: 204

Chocolate Soymilk
Wheat Germ
Strawberry yogurt

Delicious! Girls loved it!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Ok, I must never forget this day. This is the day that my children (well child, Grace) realized that I looked "different" than other people. Different in the way our bodies look. Let me paint the picture:

Watching Nickjr, 4:20 pm, when a Fresh Beat Band song comes on. I am usually in the habit of dancing to their songs, I like the choreography. Gracie turns to me toward the end of the song and says "Mommy, you're thick". I look confused and say "what do you mean, Gracie". She says "those people, the Fresh Beat band are like this" and holds up her hands to signify "thin" (you know, almost like praying position). I say "you mean thin?" and she says "yeah, they're thin and you're thick. And I'm thin, and Fay is thin".

Of course, non of this is said in malice, she just said it matter of fact, with no emotion, just observation.

Now this doesn't sound like much on paper, but it is EXTREMELY significant in my world now. My daughter has finally noticed that I don't look like the other thin people that she sees everyday. She'll start to notice that I don't look like her teacher, or like the other moms. Then she'll start wondering why I don't look like them. It doesn't matter to her that I don't, but she'll wonder out of curiosity.


Thank goodness I have already started Weight Watchers again, I'm definitely considering going to the meetings, since they are so close. But my budget will have to determine if this is possible.

I want my children to feel proud of me, to see me feel good about myself and my body. This is life changing stuff here! Of utmost importance! Don't forget this day!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can I re-do my re-do?

Current Weight: 214
Remember: 5% goal: 203 lbs.
Drink water.
Write down food I eat
Do whatever exercise I can - IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT IT IS! DO SOMETHING!

Due to the hecticness of life, I haven't been able to keep up with the program. I have started Weight Watchers again, and I want to keep not only this blog, but a video journal. I want something to fall back on when things get tough.

In looking back at my older posts (not that old, only 2 1/2 months), I find that they are very informative and very motivating! Journaling is definitely a very good idea, because I have such a terrible memory, reading old posts will remind me of the goals and ideas that I've come up with.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eyes wide open, mouth tightly closed...

Current Weight: 208

After much consideration and deliberation, I decided to follow the Weight Watchers flex plan with points. With all the meals I make for the kids and me and Mike, it is much easier to have the freedom to manuver through all kinds of foods. I automatically eat better foods because they have less points, and I am also tracking my fruits and veggies every day.

What opened my eyes this time, was the realization of how much I was actually eating. I am really trying to keep mindful of my hunger, but I really became aware when I started tracking my points this morning. I had eaten almost all my points (only 6 left for the day) by 1:00 pm! So I knew then that I would go over points, but I ate much less than I normally would have for the rest of the day.

So this has definitely put me back on track, back in control, and maybe later on I'll do Core plan, but right now, Flex is for me!

Do you know that there is a part of me that is afraid of having to watch what I eat. I actually feel anxious about it. I guess I don't like the feeling of depriving myself, even though it's not deprivation. It's living like a naturally slender person!!! AHA!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Hunt for Brown October

Brown as in CHOCOLATE!!

Current weight: 209

Ok, how will I get through October successfully, with more awareness of hunger and tons of self control come HALLOWEEN!!

First off, we are giving out pretzels, pencils and plastic bugs. No mini candy bars! I know that I just can't have that stuff in the house. A naturally slender person wouldn't tempt themselves with it, they would pick something that was healthy, and something that would not tempt.

Second, while visiting anyone that may have candy, I allot myself 2 mini candy bars and eat it when I am hungry, not unconsciously, while hiding or on the fly. I'll also ensure that I exercise that day.

It's cooler outside, so walks would be nice.