Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fiber...the body's Roto Rooter

Current Weight: 211.3

Fiber...what the microwave brownie that I had tonight did not have. I was totally responding to the stress from this afternoon and evening. This is a total do over. Next time I will come up with something to do on the computer that I will look forward to. I will sit down, take a deep breath, and focus on just relaxing, not choosing food to help me relax.

So I was talking to Mike last week about fiber. He grew up with a very processed, white flour, tuna, pb&j, whole milk, soda diet. So now as we're getting older, I've been trying to get real bulk into both our diets. I've been choosing these things for a long time now, and I love fruit, but Mike still has a ways to go. He's super tempted by the things I mentioned above, so I don't bring them into the house. But he definitely is willing, so it shouldn't be to hard for him to add fiber. I told him that if he really didn't want to give up his favorite foods, then schedule a day to eat that stuff. Be a responsible overeater.

I think I'm going to try adding metamucil or psylium husk to our diet. I'm already adding benefiber to Sam's drinks already, since he eats a very low fiber diet. Can't have too much fiber, Mike was amazed when I explained what job fiber has in our body. It cleans out our colon area like drano. All the processed junk spackles itself to the walls of the colon, because it's just gunk after it's digested, liquidy, soft gunk. But the high fiber foods take longer to digest, and they leave more behind after they're digested, so they sort of scrape the walls of the colon when they are ready to become waste.

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