Friday, September 11, 2009

Episode IV - A New Cope

Current Weight -?

I was a little disorganized this morning, and I wasn't able to weigh myself, but it proved to be a stressful, eating in response to stress, day.

So, I was very aware that I was in a fuzzy, stress haze, I could not detect my level of hunger at all. This was because my body was buzzing from yelling and being very upset. I was fully aware of my overeating, I just couldn't stop it. Plus I was waiting for myself to feel less full so I could eat again, mainly because I wasn't able to calm myself down. It wasn't the end of the day, I still had to take care of everyone and clean, and brush teeth, and whatever else.

So what do I do about this? It's definitely a do over, but what can I do during these times of pretty extreme stress? First off, I guess I have to keep calmer, I can't let myself lose it. Just take it in stride. I'm going to get out my journal now and come up with a plan of action for these times.

Now is the time.

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