Friday, September 4, 2009

The answer to life, the universe and everything...

It's 42.

No really,

I was discussing with Mike last night what my motivation for getting myself back to normal this last time. It's really strong feeling that I have, that it's my responsibility as a grown up and a mother to have a strong, healthy body. I don't want to be sick, I will not give that kind of burden to my children. I am responsible in so many other ways, but I don't think I ever thought of extra weight as being connected with responsibility. BUT IT IS! God blessed me not just with myself, but with my self.

I am starting to understand the answer to a happy, contented life. You have to go with what life hands you, not fight against it. It's a very simple concept, but very profound. We went through all the people that have come into our lives, and attributed this theory to their situation. And we found that those who were unhappy, always seeming to have year after year of misfortune without being able to get ahead, were so busy fighting against and bemoaning what life had given them instead of trying to learn from mistakes or misfortune and moving forward. There are some who live so much in the past that they are missing years and years of their present, and making a mess of it! I will not go on and on about getting older, on the contrary, I've earned my age! Of course, I wish I felt younger and, at times, looked younger, but I believe that how old you feel is a HUGE factor in how you age. For goodness sake, age is merely a tracking of time that started when we entered this world. It's really unimportant. What is important is what we do with this time.

I vow to go with the flow of life. God created us on the earth as part of a great balance. It makes sense. We should eat from the earth, of the earth as much as possible. Our diets have moved so far away from that way that we have come to depend on certain artificial foods like no calorie sweeteners, prepackaged lunches, prepackaged 100 calorie snacks (can anyone tell me why we can't put the right portion into ziplocs instead?).

I am calm during this time, and I am in control. It's actually a lot easier now, I don't feel like there's a part of me fighting against becoming healthy. All of me is going in the same direction. I am not perfect, of course! That's not what this is about, this is about feeling good and clean!

Note to self: Do the do-over every night. Keep a good check on that hunger level.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad to see your new blog!