Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Krazy Glued to the Saddle...

Weight: 218

Ok, so I'm not only back in the saddle again, I am krazy glued to it. It's been a long time since my last podcast, and there are 2 new additions to the family.

My body definitely has some war wounds, and lots of stretch marks. So now that I am post pregnancy #4, I am at 218 lbs and I'm not losing anymore from having the baby. This weight is all mine :-).

I'm here again to stay motivated, stay inspired, and get a handle on my health. I now have 3 girls, and teaching them to have a healthy relationship with food is not only important, it is essential.

Just the other day, together my 4 year old and I made a whole wheat pizza with spinach, and they ate it! I made it a point to go on about how delicious it was going to be, and it worked.

So I'll begin by saying hi again to everybody, and as I go through the journey again, maybe I'll be interested in doing a podcast again, it was such fun!

Remember, every day is a new day to change your life. Make today that day!


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