Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A challenge...

I've honed the time of day which I usually binge to be at night after the girls go to bed (Sam's still awake) and before Mike get's home. It's a cross between a stress release and a reward for a long day. I have to come up with a behavior to trade the binging with.

I don't like ruining a good day's eating, especially since Grace and I made a great pasta dish tonight. Barilla pasta has a website and has a bunch of recipes that have a nice Italian flavor and are really pretty easy.

Here's the one we did tonight:



It looks so good in the picture that I had to try it, and by golly, it was delicious. The girls ate a bunch of it! The only change I made was I switched Parmesan for Romano cheese.

I'm finding that cooking with Grace keeps her occupied; and being that she requires the highest maintenance of all my kids, this enables me to actually make dinner instead of tasking for her and the others.

All in all a pretty good day, but I want to improve on my night's eating.

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