Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Core or Flex

I've done Weight Watchers a few times before, and I've always done the Flex plan. But now I'm considering doing the Core plan, which focuses on healthier, more filling foods. It doesn't require tracking points, but it involves eating until I am satisfied, which follows right along with IOWL. Anything I do eat that's not on the Core food list, I have to track using points.

I do want to focus on my health now, it's important that I make that a priority this time, not just to lose weight. Take it day by day, getting as much health in every day as possible. I can't think about the amount that has to be lost.

I took my before pictures tonight with my computer camera. Ugh, it was tough, because I don't really want to see what I am right now, but I know I have to. I need to be focused on what needs to be done.

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